Cons of parkour gloves usage:
- Parkour should be about adapting to the environment. Wearing gloves and other special protective gear mean you are adapting what you wear for parkour rather than adapting your body.
- Extra gear is also viewed as holding you back to preforming at your peak, which is ideal in parkour.
- You can't feel the surface you are grabbing through gloves.
- Gloves slip between your hand and the surface.
- (Most) gloves have less grip than skin on most surfaces.
- Needing gear prevents spontaneous PKing.
- Tough hands will protect and serve you all the time.
- Tough hands are macho. :)
Pros of parkour gloves usage:
- Wearing gloves for your hands are just like wearing shoes for your feet
- Parkour gloves are the only way to practive parkour for people with permanent skin problems (such as eczema)
- Using parkour gloves is a good way to get back to parkour after an arm injury.
So, it's up to you to decide wear parkour gloves or not.